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C. Whye

A little less than a year ago, following a series of emotionally and mentally drained events. I knew that I needed to find the strength to continue living. Out of sheer desperation, I came upon PSALT Care peer support. Over the past 6 months, Rosalind, Chris and Vincent from PSALT Care who were volunteering for it has led and shared their valuable insights and knowledge on coping skills with myself and other peers who have similar mental health struggles. From their valuable sharing, I have had a better understanding of my own suicidal idealization which preoccupies my mind. From them I learnt how to manage it.

Through the PSALT Care sessions conducted, I have better understand the compulsive thoughts that I keep dwelling upon and to refrain from my self harm rituals. The old adage ” A sick mind does not know its sick” holds revelatory significance to me. Whether as it applies to my personal or professional life, I have learnt valuable lessons on how to manage my own thoughts, to watch them from a different perspective through PSALT Care. 

This insight has helped me develop some fair amount of refrain towards performing my usual self harm rituals Importantly, PSALT Care frequently brings in other therapists such as Sarah Knutson and Dr Chiang Wai Fong whose philosophies and ideas have shown me different approaches to tackling my mental struggles. They show me a path of self healing, and gives me the tools necessary to walk my recovery journey. I am truly grateful for the priceless gift that PSALT Care has given me, in the form of my experiences of recovery. I want to say a Big Thank You to PSALT Care and all those who have helped me on my way.