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Some time back, I searched online for a depression support group. I came across PSALT Care. Finding PSALT Care was a lifesaver for me because I was attempting suicide at that time. They got in touch with me and arranged for a psychologist to meet up with me. My first session was extremely painful for me as I opened up my deepest wounds to someone I didn’t know too well. Gradually, I got better. I was encouraged by the psychologist to attend the support group session.

The first PSALT Care Session I attended was facilitated by Rosalind. She has this innate ability to help people feel okay with their depression because she suffered from it as well. To me, Rosalind is a god send. I met her when I was at the deepest trough of my life. By the 3rd and 4th session with my psychologist along with attending regular support group meetings, I felt much more affirmed in my life direction. I am no longer attending PSALT Care session as I am so much more aware of my life situation and emotions. 

I apply the coping strategies taught by PSALT Care to deal with the downs in my life. I will always be grateful to Rosalind and PSALT Care for helping me come to terms with my psychological ailment, depression, that is still stigmatized and inadequately addressed in Singaporean society.